Keluarga Karawitan Studio RRI Surakarta led by P. Atmasunarto, with Ki Nartosabdo as conductor.
Tracks 4 & 7 recorded in Semarang - Paguyuban Condong Raos, directed by Ki Nartosabdo.
1. Ketawang Ibu Pretiwi, P nem, 16 April 1969. (Download)
Persinden: Sumarmi
Umpak: introduction.
Our motherland has given enough food and clothing for loyal and dedicated people. With a deep love of mankind, she is very just and fair and has a noble character. Therefore, let us serve her.
Second part:
This is the primary tune. The one before was only an umpak.
This is the essence. Ngelik means high tone/sound
If we go back to the accompaniment for a wedding ceremony in Surakarta area, this ngelik (high singing) is used for kirab or procession. When the bride and groom come out from the dressing room, they walk toward the pelaminan (a dais on which the bridal couple sit). This tune is also used in a fragment depicting Janoko Cakil (Arjuna and the Ogre with a funny fang/Buta Cakil). The part where Janoko dances uses this tune. This piece functions as kembangan.
2. Ketawang Subakastawa (Gubahan) or Rinengga, P nem, 1 May 1969. (Download)
Ki Nartosabdo is a pioneer of composition. He uses many old tunes which he brings back to life with new words. This is an example
Persinden include Ngatirah and Sumarmi.
“It’s so beautiful, the white clouds over the mountain. Clear running water flowing through the rice fields, watering the rice plants, corn, cassava, beans and sorghum. The sound of water flowing. Sah…Sah…Sah, The farmers are making noises to frighten away the birds from eating the plants.”
In the pedalangan (shadow puppet) world, this tune accompanies the delicate and subtle nature of Janoko’s (Arjuna’s) movement. But, the one before, which used the kendang ciblon, is for accompanying Semar, Petruk and Bagong. The repertoire is very alive. It includes male and female vocals which are sung in turn. This is a Nartosabdo creation. It shows a western influence. At that time in the 60s, this type of presentation of a tune in Java was still very rare. Now it is quite common.
3. Swara Suling. P nem, 1 May 1969. (Download)
The musical genius of Ki Nartosabdo comes into play with this song which it is said was suggested to him by his great friend K.R.T. Wasitodiningrat better know these days as Pak Cokrowasito from Yogyakarta.
The song existed as a vocal only. Ki Nartosbdo’s brilliance was to take this simple 8 beat melody and embellish it with an instrumental part featuring five different types of drum.
This piece has become one of the most loved pieces all over Indonesia. Many variations have been made upon this theme, amongst them being the wonderful “gambang suling” Balinese versions of the piece.
Lyric: The sound of flute carries across and reaches the ears of a listener with a saddened heart. The flute often displays a sadness which can comfort those in distress.
The ketiping, kentrung, suling and kendang all combine to make this piece lively. The rigorous sounds cause the heart to beat.
4. Rujak Jeruk, Sl M, 4 May 1970. (Download)
Persinden: Ngatirah
This piece begins with a bawa or poetic sung interlude. In happy tunes females sometimes sing the bawa as is the case here. In more serious music the bawa is always sung by the male. This bawa is known as Sinom Rujak Jeruk. This is a new composition composed by Ki Nartosabdo
While waiting at the door for my husband to return, I wile away the time by slicing and cutting fruit. I am making rujak (fruit salad), not forgetting to prepare everything properly first. Making this rujak will be a remedy for my longing. I add some water to the rujak. Inside the layah (a bowl-like stone mortar used to make rujak), the red palm sugar and chilies are already prepared. Not long after my salad is ready. I hope the father of my child will come home.
This song depicts a mother and wife left by her husband, but she is able to cope.“This is how I feel after not have seen my husband for long time. However, it does not matter as long as all our needs are fulfilled. Do not forget me so that our dignity is maintained. Your child is crying. Is this a sign that something is wrong? I hope you always remember me, do not let yourself tempted by a woman with lighter coloured skin.
This gendhing is often used for humorous, playful performance. When there’s a dagelan lawak (comedian) performing, the tune is used to accompany the players when they enter the stage.
5. Ketawang Suka Asih, PB, with Bawa. Sinom Logondhang, 1 May 1969. (Download)
Pesinden: Sumarmi
Starts with Bawa Sinom Logondhang
“With a deep love, a mother brings her child up. Teach your child to speak, “O, my baby, don’t cry. I always pray to God so all your wishes may come true. Yet, my child, you must be willing to work hard so when you grow up you can become a leader of our beloved nation.”
6. Santi Mulya, P5, 4 December, 1969. (Download)
Pesinden: Ngatirah
Santi = to pray to God, Mulya = prosperity, blessed with happiness and wealth.
Fly the flag of our nation,
May prosperity prevail,
Prosperity for Indonesia so she is forever filled
With a noble determination,
United in order to prosper, and of good character
So that the nation is peaceful
and exists forever, facing no obstacles.
More perfect when our lives are based on Pancasila.
So our nation is glorious.
7. Kalongking, P nem, 5 May 1970. (Download)
persinden: Ngatirah
Bawa Pucung: The text is new, but the melody is old. This is also a Ki Natosabdo creation. Kalongking means a huge bat.
The song describes:
Fruit bats fly to and fro in a group,
Selecting trees that are loaded with fruit.
They quarrel and fight for the fruit as soon as they arrive.
They are too busy fighting to see that a trap has been set.
The result is that they fall into the trap and are caught.
8. Mbok Ya Mesem, Sl sanga, 30 May 1969. (Download)
Give us a smile
A smile gives comfort to people who are quiet and rather sad. Melancholy is dangerous.
The man asks that the promises he and his wife made when they were young lovers courting should still hold good.
“Let us laugh together, and work in a good and honest way. That way I believe that we will certainly attain our desires.”
Sumber : http://lokanantamusic.blogspot.com/2008/10/ibu-pertiwi.html
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